10 Dos and Don’ts for Entrepreneurs to Make Their E-commerce Business Lucrative

The world is reeling, recovering, or let say trying to work around the novel Covid-19 virus. Not only has the outbreak changed the way we live but it has also transformed the ongoing practices for the business players.

The global pandemic became a gamechanger for entrepreneurs who for the longest time were staying away from the virtual world. One thing noticeable was how the outbreak changed the dynamics of buying & selling. The E-commerce sector became a severe victim of the same due to the lockdown. Low sales numbers, uncertainty of money, many e-commerce businesses perished and some were forced to witness massive lay-offs.

However, the positive sign among the ongoing problem was how the online world observed a massive boom. While we knew the digital revolution was happening at its pace, the last two months saw unprecedented changes.

This is the time when you need to understand an expert opinion on how to navigate your way through and after the pandemic on e-commerce.

Here’s your dos and don’ts guide on how you can e-commerce business lucrative during and post Covid-19.

The DO’s
Do Update Your Customer On Your Business Status:
After the restrictions were levied on many e-commerce businesses throughout the world, many online businesses reached out to the customers to make sure they were safe and they will be back soon, etc.

It is important that a company should specifically update their clients on their situation, may it be how the pandemic has affected the revenue, how they had to lay-off employees, and what plans are being made to rise again,

Do Make The Customers Realize E-commerce’s Value:
Most people have been used to buying products physically. However, digital is the new world. Reach out to your customers and highlight how using e-commerce platforms many customers have got quality products at the best possible price at their own convenience.

Do Offer Alternatives Or Services:
As the owner of an online shop, one must provide diverse services or products to engage a larger base of customers.

If you’re a fitness center then you can’t just focus on selling gym membership, you also need to expand your services to yoga, Zumba, functional training, etc. After Covid-19, only those businesses will flourish that will provide customers with e-commerce options.

Do Engage With New Customers:
In lieu of not losing your old customer, e-commerce firms should not forget to engage new customers to their portals.

This is an opportunity to attract them to e-commerce, make the most of it. After the pandemic, due to social distancing, more and more consumers will be attracted to buy basic things online as they will avoid going out.

Do The Optimum Utilization Of Resources:
The huge losses sustained by e-commerce firms are a well-known fact. This is the time you recover the loss by optimum use of resources, narrow down your expenditure, save cost on the tiniest bit of money.

Use sources wisely, satisfying your old customers by even making less profit. Be aware, the business needs to cultivate the habit of spending online in its customers.

Do Check Your Language:
A check on language is always a major item on a “DO” list, but in these times it has become even more necessary when dealing with customers.

Customers will be anxious and on edge, after the pandemic, use dry wit- over the top humor to please the customers (as per your brand), it can cause a repulsive reaction. The point in e-commerce is that you need to tread lightly, so the marketing, graphics, and more all should be appropriate to the present times.

Don’t Act Like An Opportunist:
As marketing and updating the customer of your business is a smart move, pouncing on every chance isn’t the way to go about it.

Don’t Send E-mails Just For The Sake Of It:

Engage your consumer with various new marketing techniques via social media.

Remember, bombarding their e-mails with regular advertisements won’t make the consumers care enough to engage with your product.

Don’t Encourage People To Ignore Health Advice:
After the pandemic ends, do not let your guard down as a business person in lieu of earning more profits. If you sell smartphones online, the process of delivery should be looked into. Proper social distancing norms should be followed, the delivery-guy has to maintain proper hygiene, face-masks, and gloves.

Companies need to be made aware of the norms; no consumer should contract the disease due to a little bit of carelessness and as a business person you must look into it, or else, it won’t be long before some businesses will see the government’s wrath and lead to other few months of suspension.

Don’t Promise What You Can’t Fulfill:
Whether it is a specific time delivery, whether it is the dubious offers or whether it is on the quality and packaging of the products, do not make promises to consumers which you might not be able to fulfill.

While there is never a right book that can guide how to make your business lucrative, these dos & don’ts might certainly help you in running your e-commerce business steadily.
